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Download Soal Toefl Itp Dan Pembahasannya Pdf 2017

Soal Barron1. In simple animals, .......... reflex movement or involuntary response to stimuli. (A) behavior mostly (B) most is behavior (C) most behavior is (D) the most behavior Pembahasan Jawaban: (C) Most digunakan sebelum noncount noun untuk mengekspresikan suatu kuantitas yang lebih besar dari sentengah. Singular verb berpasagan dengan noncount noun (sebagai subject). Pilihan A tidak mempunyai verb. Pilihan B, verb terletak sebelum noun bukan sesudah noun. Pilihan D, the digunakan sebelum most. 2. Although the whether in Martha's Vineyard isn't .......... to have a year-around tourist season, it has become a favorite summer resort. (A) goodly enough (B) good enough (C) good as enough (D) enough good Pembahasan Jawaban: (B) Sebuah adjective digunakan sebelum enough yang bermakna cukup. Pada pilhan (A), kata goodly tidak sesuai dengan aturan grammar. Bentuk adverb dari good ialah well bukan goodly. Pilihan C salah karena as tidak dibutuhkan dan salah. Pilihan D, adjective digunakan setelah bukan sebelum enough. 3. According to the wave theory, .......... population of the Americas may have been the result of a number of separate migrations. (A) the (B) their (C) that (D) whose Pembahasan Jawaban: the dapat digunakan sebelum noncount yang diikuti sebuah qualifying phrase. Population seharunya the population sebelum qualifying phrase 'of the Americas'. 4. It is presumed that governing the sharing of food influenced .......... that the earliest cultures evolved. (A) that the way (B) is the way (C) the way (D) which way Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective clause menjelaskan noun dalam main clause. that the earliest cultures evolved menjelaskan the way. 5. Calculus, .......... elegant and economical symbolic system, can reduce complex problems to simple terms. (A) it is an (B) that an (C) an (D) is an Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan Verb sudah ada. Dari posisi phrase 'elegant and economical symbolic system' bisa kita deteksi bahwa phrase ini merupakan appositive atau penjelasan tambahan bagi subject 'calculus'. 6. Canada does not require that U.S. citizens obtain passports to enter the country, and .......... . (A) Mexico does neither (B) Mexico doesn't either .. the planets. by the average output of each person in society.... .... Kita pakai passive voice --> ditandai adanya kata 'by'..... and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud...... 9. 'where Lincoln was shot' merupakan adjective clause yang menjelaskan subject 'The Ford Theater'..... 2. and other stars began with the condensation of an interstellar cloud' jadi kita butuhkan ialah clause lain beserta connectornya.. (A) being Walt Whitman (B) who was Walt Whitman (C) Walt Whitman (D) Walt Whitman was Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb.. Ingat dua clause butuh 1 connector.. The Consumer Price Index lists . 3 clause butuh 2 connector.....(C) neither Mexico does (D) either does Mexico Pembahasan Jawaban: Ada dua bentuk untuk menyatakan negatif dalam bentuk soal seperti ini: 1. 11.... Fast-food restaurants have become popular because many working people want . As a general rule... 8. . The poet . the standard of living ... 12........ Cara lain: kita lihat bahwa kalimat di soal sudah terdapat 1 clause lengkap 'the formation of the sun. .. (A) how much costs every car (B) how much does every car cost (C) how much every car costs (D) how much are every car cost Pembahasan Jawaban: Pilihan A dan D hanya digunakan dalam bentuk question. 7. the planets...... Neither does Mexico.. (A) It accepted that (B) Accepted that (C) It is accepted that (D) That is accepted Pembahasan Jawaban: its is accepted that (diakui bahwa) . . Pilihan D salah karena seharusnya S + Verb bukan sebaliknya... (A) must restore (B) must be restoring (C) must have been restored (D) must restored Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan adalah kata kerja dari subject 'The Ford Theater'.. The Ford Theater where Lincoln was shot . (A) is fixed (B) fixed (C) has fixed (D) fixes Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas kehilangan verb... (A) to eat quickly and cheaply . the formation of the sun. just beginning to be recognized as an important influence at the time of his death... Pilihan D sangat jelas salahnya karena 'are' untuk plural sedangkan 'every' menandakan singular.. Mexico doesn't either... 10. .. our identification in order to be admitted to the test center..... . (A) An eminent American poet (B) He is an eminent American poet (C) An eminent American poet who is (D) Despite an eminent American poet Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan Verb kalimat di atas sudah lengkap jadi kita hanya butuh penjelas dari subject 'Carl Sandburg' (appositive)... 14........(B) eating quickly and cheaply (C) eat quickly and cheaply (D) the eat quickly and cheaply Pembahasan Jawaban: want + to infinitive 13.. The examiner made us . (A) showing (B) show (C) showed (D) to show Pembahasan Jawaban: made + verb 1 murni Materi ini masuk dalam 'Causative Verb' --> Causative verb + V 1 murni Causative verb: make. After seeing the movie Centennial. (A) the book was red by many people (B) the book made many people want to read it (C) many people wanted to read the book (D) the reading of the book interested many people Pembahasan Jawaban: After seeing the movie Centennial (Setelah menyaksikan film Centennial)... have. (many people wanted to read the book) Cara lain: Materi ini masuk dalam reduction in adjective clause (ke dua-dua clause mesti mempunyai subject yang sama baru dibenarkan untuk melakukanreduction (pengurangan / penghilangan).. ...... help ... Banyak orang .. Carl Sandburg is also well-known for his multivolume biography of Lincoln.. 15... .. Kalimat di atas cuma terdiri dari 1 clause jadi tidak butuh connector (which). _______ for the best children's picture book. Kita sudah tidak butuh lagi kata kerja. and brilliance. Pilihan B juga ikut tereliminasi. (A) a prize (B) which prize (C) is a prize which (D) is a prize Pembahasan Jawaban: Cara 1: Kalimat di atas terdapat subject (The Caldecott Medal) dan verb (is awarded). (A) grow (B) grows (C) growing (D) they grow . Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: Mesti terdapat Subject dan Verb: Canaries (subject) + range (verb) 2. Otomatis pilihan pilihan C dan D sudah tereliminasi. (A) However (B) Because of (C) Although (D) That Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat dua klausa (S + V): a tornado spins & it spins. (A) The valuable (B) It is the value (C) It is valuable (D) The value Pembahasan Jawaban: Kata kerja (is determined) sudah ada. ini berarti kalimat sudah lengkap. Jadi pilihan jawaban benar ialah A. 5. Dari pilihan jawaban hanya C yang memenuhi syarat. Jadi kita hanya mencari subject kalimat. The Caldecott Medal. The horn of the rhinoceros consists of a cone of tight bundles of keratin _______ from the epidermis. color. 4. _______ a tornado spins in a counterclockwise direction in the northern hemisphere. 3 clause butuh dua connector.Soal Longman 1. Cara 2: Materi Appositive. is awarded each January. Appositive ialah noun yang menjelaskan noun lainnya (dalam TOEFL umumnya subject). _______ of precious gems is determined by their hardness. (A) Canaries which (B) Canaries (C) That canaries (D) Canaries that are Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas butuh subject. _______ range in color from pale yellow to bright orange. Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: Mesti terdapat Subject dan Verb 3. Prinsip Kalimat Bahasa Inggris: 2 clause butuh 1 connector. Hanya pilihan jawaban D yang bisa menjadi subject. Jadi kita butuh connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua klausa. Jadi kita cuma butuh noun untuk menjelaskan subject (The Caldecott Medal). Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang memenuhi syarat. Dan yang terdapat noun ialah pilihan jawaban A. it spins in the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere. Juga terdapat verb (forebode) jadi terdapat dua clause. a cubit <img 11. (A) an electrical charge (B) passes an electrical charge (C) the passing of an electrical charge (D) an electrical charge passes Pembahasan Jawaban: Di kalimat di atas terdapat 1 clause (Thunder occurs) dan 1 connector (as). Clause 1 (Researchers have long debated). (A) It was used as a measurement (B) A measurement was used (C) The use of a measurement (D) Used as a measurement Pembahasan Jawaban: Used as a measurement in several early civilizations (digunakan sebagai sebuah ukuran di wal-awal peradaban silam). Hanya pilihan jawaban B yang berisi connector (but). 8. Jawaban yang benar ialah B. Jadi kita tinggal butuh 1 connector. Thunder occurs as _______ through air. a cubit was based on the length of the forearm from the tip of the middle finger to the elbow. _______ in several early civilizations. causing the heated air to expand and collide with layers of cooler air. Hanya pilihan jawaban C yang terdapat memenuhis syarat. 9. Jadi tersisalah pilihan jawaban C. 6. Jadi terdapat dua clause. Nimbostratus clouds are thick. clause 2 (Saturn's moon Titan contains). 7. Pilihan jawaban D juga salah karena membuat clause lain. Jadi kita tidak butuh lagi verb lainnya. (A) some (B) but some (C) for some species (D) some species Pembahasan Jawaban: Di kalimat atas.Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat Subject (the horn) dan Verb (consists). Otomatis pilihan jawaban A dan B salah. Ingat 2 clause harus terdapat 1 connector. Which berfungsi sebagai connector sekaligus sebagai subject dari verb (forebode). (A) what (B) which (C) what they (D) which they Pembahasan Jawaban: kalimat di atas terdapat subject (Nimbostratus clouds) dan verb (are). Most species of heliotropes are weeds. (A) over it (B) whether it (C) whether (D) whether over Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat 2 clause. terdapat 2 verb (are) dan (are cultivated). Only when air and water seep through its outer coat _______ (A) does a seed germinate . Dari pilihan jawaban hanya D yang berbentuk clause. Ingat 2 clause harus terdapat 1 connector. Researchers have long debated _______ Saturn's moon Titan contains hydrocarbon oceans and lakes. Jadi bisa ditebak kalimat di atas mesti terdapat dua clause. Dua clause butuh 1 connector. Ingat clause terdiri dari Subject dan Verb. _______ of them are cultivated. 10. Materi ini masuk dalam materi 'Adjective Clause'. dark grey clouds _______ forebode rain. 13. . Materi ini masuk dalam katergori Noun Clause di mana noun clause bertindak sebagai subject kalimat. The flight instructor. Hanya pilihan jawaban A memenuhi syarat. 14. SAngat mudah dengan menggunakan pendekatan makna translation). The extinct Martian volcano Olympus Mons is approximately three times as _______ Mount Everest. Pilihan jawaban B yang terdapat as. _______ at the air base. especially in regions near the tropics. is winds that blow in an opposite direction in winter than in summer. B. (A) high (B) high as is (C) higher than (D) the highest of Pembahasan Jawaban: as + adjective + as. Dalam TOEFL ini menandakan adanya inversion (pembalikan S + V --> V + S): Hanya pilihan jawaban C memenuhi syarat.(B) to the germination of a seed (C) a seed germinates (D) for a seed to germinate Pembahasan Jawaban: terdapat negative expression (only) di awal kalimat. (A) majestic mountains are found (B) found majestic mountains (C) are found majestic mountains (D) finding majestic mountains Pembahasan Jawaban: terdapat place expression 9In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho) di awal kalimat. In the northern and central parts of the state of Idaho _______ and churning rivers. (A) when interviewed (B) when he interviewed (C) when his interview (D) when interviewing : Pilihan benar ialah A. dan C semuanya bisa digunakan sebagai subject hanya saja tidak sesuai dg kontek kalimat di atas. _______ seasonal rainfall. Pilhan jawaban A. Dalam TOEFL ini mendandakan adanya inversion (pembalikan S + V --> V + S): Bentuk inversion umum dipakai dalam bentuk question. 15. Dari pilihan jawaban yang memnuhi syarat secara structure dan meaning ialah pilihan jawaban D. when interviewed (ketika diwawancara). (A) Causing (B) That cause (C) To cause (D) What causes Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject untuk verb (is). said that orders not to fight had been given. 12. begitupun seterusnya. C. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon and Rick Blaine in Casablanca ____ of Humphrey Bogart's more famous roles. (A) the mouth (B) between the mouth (C) is between the mouth (D) it is between the mouth Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject dan verb sudah lengkap sehingga kita tidak butuh lagi verb atau pun subject lainnya jika tidak terdapat connector. (A) first appeared (B) first to appear (C) is first appearing (D) appearing Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (and): clause 1 (the Earth's crust formed). 2. Pilihan C dan D terdapat verb tanpa connector. (A) It is the epidermis (B) In the epidermis (C) The epidermis (D) The epidermis is Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat verb (is) tapi kehilangan subject jadi kita butuh subject. Pilihan A dan B kemudian salah karena terdapat lagi subject. Hanya dilihat dari tense (waktu) dan makna maka yang sangat sesuai ialah pilihan A. and life ____ in the seas. a second more insidious type of ____ (A) otitis media may develop (B) developing otitis media (C) the development of otitis media (D) to develop otitis media . Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). During the Precambrian period. ____. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. Secara structure. begitupun seterusnya. pilihan C sudah jelas salah. is about as thick as a sheet of paper over most of the skin. dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb.1. --> 'the outermost layer of skin' bukanlah subject kalimat melainkan penjelas dari suject sebelumnya. the Earth's crust formed. the outermost layer of skin. Jawaban yang paling tepat ialah B. 3 clause mesti ada 2 connector. Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah D. dan D. Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. Prinsip: Setiap kalimat bahasa Inggris mesti terdiri dari minimal 1 clause (subject + verb). Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. Jika terdapat 2 clause maka mesti ada 1 connector. Pilihan A dan D kemudian salah karena terdapat lagi verb di dalamnya. pilihan B sudah jelas salah karena terdapat preposition (in) yang menandakan the epedermis bukanlah subject. 5. (A) they are two (B) two of them are (C) two of them (D) are two Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat subject tapi kehilangan verb jadi kita butuh verb. begitupun seterusnya. yang memungkinkan ialah pilihan A dan C. When fluid accumulates against the eardrum. Jawaban yang terdapat verb ialah A. B. jadi otomatis sudah salah. Penjelas semacam ini biasa disebut dg nama 'appositive' 4. Jawaban yang terdapat subject ialah A. The hard palate forms a partition ____ and nasal passages. 3. hanya terlihat subject (life). Jadi jawaban paling tepat ialah C. dan D. has. Hanya pilihan A yang memenuhi syarat. coral snakes can grow to 4 feet (1. Hanya pilihan A yang memenuhi syarat.2 meters) in length. Jadi kita tidak membutuhkan lagi subject atau pun verb lainnya kecuali jika terdapat connector. been). 6. Pilihan B dan C terdapat verb namun tidak disertai dengan connector sehingga salah. have (have. Pilihan D salah karena terdapat subject lagi (double subject). Jadi pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B. Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. are. Pilihan D terdapat connector tapi tidak terdapat verb. hanya terlihat subject (a second more insidious type). clause 2 (newspapers invited). ____ and terrifying. A stock ____ at an inflated price is called a watered stock. Before the Statue of Liberty arrived in the United States. could. (A) should the statue be (B) the statue being (C) it should be the statue (D) the statue should be Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat 3 clause yang ditandai adanya 2 connector (before) dan connector (where): clause 1 (the Statue of Liberty arrived). do (do. dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb. am. modals (can. does. newspapers invited the public to help determine where ____ placed after its arrival.Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (when): clause 1 (fluid accumulates). 10. had). Object dari preposition mesti berbentuk noun sementara kalimat di atas terdiri dari clause (the ocean floor is underlain). must. dan clause ke 3 kehilangan subject dan helping verb. Sehingga pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan A. Helping verb: be (is. Pilihan A dan C sudah jelas salah karena tidak terdapat verb. (A) They are extremely poisonous (B) The poison is extreme (C) Extremely Poisonous . dll). Olehnya kita butuh verb untuk melengkapi clause 2. (A) viscous (B) is more viscous (C) more viscous (D) it is more vicious Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat dua clause yang ditandai adanya connector (while): clause 1 (Acidic lava flows readily and tends). (A) issued (B) is issued (C) it is issued (D) which issued Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat kalimat diatas terdapat 1 clause yang lengkap: subject (A stock) dan verb (is called). 9. dan clause ke dua kehilangan verb. did) 7. (A) reveal that (B) revealed that (C) the revelation of (D) revealed about Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Perfect: has + verb III Jawaban D salah karena terdapat preposition (about). Acidic lava flows readily and tends to cover much larger areas. hanya terlihat past participle (placed). hanya terlihat subject (basic lava ). be. hanya terlihat past participle (issued) yang butuh helping verb. Seismic reflections profiling has ____ the ocean floor is underlain by a thin layer of nearly transparent sediments. while basic lava ____. Olehnya kita butuh subject dan helping verb untuk melengkapi clause 3. 8. . Otomatis jawabn B dan C salah karena terdapat verb lagi. (A) described (B) to describe (C) description (D) describing Pembahasan Jawaban: As described in Greek and Roman mythology (sebagaimana digambarkan dalam mitos Roman dan Yunani) 13. Jawaban yg paling sesuai ialah piliha D. maka kita perlu clause untuk bagian not only. Pilihan yang tepat ialah pilihan C.(D) An extreme amount of poison Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel structure: Extremely poisonous (adjective) + terrifying (adjective) 11. ____ silk fabrics are woven. Kita menggunakan does karena kalimat ini berbentuk inversion in (pembalikan: V + Subject).W. As ____ in Greek and Roman mythology. 15. _____ be needed. (A) a nuclear breeder reactor (B) it is a nuclear breeder reactor (C) does a nuclear breeder reactor (D) is a nuclear breeder reactor Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel structure in paired conjunction (not only . 14. harpies were frightful monsters that were half woman and half bird. but it also produces fuel for other fission reactors. Pilihan A salah karena that langsung ketemu established (kehilangan helping verb). Not only ____ generate energy. D. Griffith pioneered many of the stylistic features and filmmaking techniques ____ as the Hollywood standard. but also) : Not only (clause) + but also (clause) Kita lihat di bagian but also sudah terdapat clause.. The leaves of the white mulberry provide food for silkworms. (A) Hydroelectric power should (B) When hydroelectric power (C) Hydroelectric power (D) Should hydroelectric power . Jadi yang kita butuhkan ialah connector untuk menghubungkan dua clause. Pilihan A benar jika berbentuk 'that was established'. (A) that established (B) that became established (C) what established (D) what became established Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective clause: yang digunakan dalam menggambarkan benda ialah 'that' bukan what. 12. (A) whose cocoons (B) from cocoons (C) whose cocoons are from (D) from whose cocoons Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause tanpa connector: clause 1 (The leaves of the white mulberry provide) dan clause 2 (silk fabrics are woven). Di clause bagian not only sudah terdapat verb (generate) makanya kita perlu subject. the water basin would need to be dammed. Perhatikan bentuk inversiaon pada kalimat pertanyaan (question). Dari pilihan jawaban yang ada. _____ Jane has an excellent resume. (A) to being (B) being (C) be (D) on being Pembahasan Jawaban: Pasangan Phrase: intent + on 4. the water basin would need to be dammed'. Soal Kaplan 1. Although masuk dalam kategori subordinate connector yang letaknya bisa di antara ke dua clause bisa juga depan kalimat. _____ several universities that have excellent engineering schools. (A) The complete (B) Completing (C) A completing (D) The completion Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah subject untuk melengkapi kalimat di atas. after _____ the skin. clause 2 (she hasn't found a job yet). Clause 1 '—— several universities' kehilangan kata kerja. _____ of New York's Erie Canal greatly enhanced trade in the upstate region. 2. 5. Many Middle Eastern diplomats still feel that the United States is intent _____ the ultimate police in the region. yet masuk dalam coordinate connector. Pilihan B salah karena kata yet ketika menjadi connector berada di tengah clause atau di antara ke dua clause bukan di awal kalimat. (A) to stop (B) stop (C) stopping (D) will had stopped Pembahasan Jawaban: article 'a' + noun Dari pilihan jawaban hanya B yang merupakan kata benda (noun). (A) it attaches itself to . hanya pilihan A dan C yg berisi verb. 3. Olehnya.Pembahasan Jawaban: Inversion in conditional sentence. kita butuh untuk melengkapi clause pertama yg kehilangan verb. she hasn't found a job yet. Kalimat aslinya ialah 'If hydroelectric power should be needed. Karena ada dua clause maka kita butuh 1 connector untuk menghubungkan ke dua clause tersebut. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan A. Dari pilihan jawaban yg ada. Woodrow Wilson believed the United States' entry into World War I would put a _____ to the war in months. Clause 2 'that have excellent engineering schools' sudah lengkap. 6. is best removed by the application of either salt or heat. Pilihan paling tepat ialah D. (A) There are (B) The (C) There is a lot of (D) Some of Pembahasan Jawaban: Kalimat di atas terdapat dua clause ditandai adanya connector 'that'. hanya pilihan B dan D yang merupakan connector. Subjectnya ialah that yang juga berfungsi sebagai connector. (A) However (B) Yet (C) That (D) Although Pembahasan Jawaban: Terdapat dua cluse: clause 1 (Jane has an excellent resume). A leech. drawn from the childhood characters of Mother Goose. it was once used as the indicator in common thermometers. (A) parents to recognize (B) recognize its parents (C) recognizing its parents (D) the recognizing of its parents Pembahasan Jawaban: Parallel Structure: lift (infinitive). an infant learns how to lift its head. karena sangat umum digunakan. disk technology has made record albums almost obsolete. 8. (A) That was Victor Herbert who (B) Victor Herbert who (C) Since it was Victor Herbert (D) It was Victor Herbert who Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan kalimat di atas ialah subject kalimat. In the first few months of life. _____ wrote the operetta Babes in Toyland.(B) attaching it (C) its attaching to (D) where it attaches to Pembahasan Jawaban: kata after menandakan adanya clause lain selain clause utama 'A leech is best removed by the application of either salt or heat' 7. . 9. (A) considered (B) considered to be (C) is considered to be (D) is consideration Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang dibutuhkan ialah verb untuk mengisi kalimat. smile (infinitive). (A) is expanding (B) expands (C) is expanded (D) expanded Pembahasan Jawaban: Kita lihat terdapat 1 connector 'because' yang menandakan adanya dua clause. 10. Some of the oldest and most widespread creation myths are _____ involving the all-giving 'Earth Mother. In _____ . Clause 2 'it was once used as the indicator in common thermometers' sudah lengkap. Because the metal mercury _____ in direct proportion to temperature. Jika tidak biasa didapatkan gunakan rumus Noun Phrase (Adjective + Noun) 11. _____ east of the Mississippi River. and recognize (infinitive) 12. Juana Inez de la Cruz _____ Mexico's greatest female poet. Pilihan yang berisi verb lengkap sesuai makna kalimat ialah pilihan C. Subject dari clause 1 ialah 'the metal mercury'. 13. (A) Indigo was grown usually (B) Usually grown was Indigo (C) Indigo usually grown (D) Indigo was usually grown Pembahasan Jawaban: Kata adverb (usually) umumnya terletak setelah helping verb BE (was).' (A) those (B) them (C) they (D) their Pembahasan Jawaban: those mengarah ke subject kalimat yang plural (myths). YYang kita butuhkan ialah verb untuk melengkapi clause 1. (A) the decade from (B) the decade since (C) the past decade (D) decade ago the Pembahasan Jawaban: Hal ini seharusnya sangat mudah. smile. and _____ . (a)an animal breathes air that (b)an animal that breathes air (c)an animal breathes air (d)that an animal breathes air Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause 3. Did ketika bersama WH Question (when) hanya digunakan dalam interrogative sentence. after long imitation of European models... The principal purpose of aviation medicine is _____ by people aboard an air¬craft in flight. the whale is.. 14. Pilihan paling tepat ialah pilihan B karena konteks dari clause 1 mengarah ke waktu sekarang (present tense).. _____ what is now San Salvador.cactus in the world.. Clause 1 (what is now San Salvador). Pilihan D salah karena whether bukanlah subordinate conjunction.. and it encouraged others to attempt... 2. (a)was achieved . Jika dimasukkan dalam kalimat maka akan terdapat 4 clause hanya dengan dua connector.. (A) He reached (B) When did he reach (C) Having reached (D) Whether he reached Pembahasan Jawaban: Yang terlihat di kalimat. 15. (a)is the largest (b)the largest (c)that is the largest (d)the largest that is a Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative Degree 4..The saguaro .. (A) to study the stress experienced (B) study the experienced stress (C) to study stress experiencing (D) study the stress experience Pembahasan Jawaban: is to study (is + to infinitive) adalah bentuk umum / sudah sangat umum digunakan dalam kalimat.Dari segi makna ada dua piihan jawaban yang memungkinkan ialah pilihan B dan D. Pilihan A salah karena terdapat 1 clause baru tanpa connector. dan 4 clause butuh 3 connector.Despite its fishlike form. It is said that United Stales literature ____________ individuality and identity in the twentieth century..found in desert regions in the southwestern United States . clause 3 (he had found Japan). 3 clause butuh 2 connector. Subordinate conjunction ialah conjunction atau connector yang bisa terletak di awal dan di pertengahan kalimat. terdapat 3 clause dan dua connector (what & that). (a)original themes (b)to original themes (c)that were original themes (d)how original themes Pembahasan Jawaban: attempt (T) + Noun --> Attempt (transitive verb) --> Attempt + to infinitive pilihan B salah karena to original themes bukan to infinitive.The musical comedy Oklahoma did much to expand the potential of the musical stage...and will drown if submerged too long.. Christopher Columbus believed that he had found Japan. to study the stress experienced (untuk memplejari tekanan yang dialami) Soal Structure 1. Ingat prinsip kalimat bahasa Inggris: jika ada dua clause maka butuh 1 connector. clause 2 (Christopher Columbus believed). Pilihan B salah karena menggunakan helping verb 'did'.. scrubby. including climate. (a)he played (b)playing (c)that it played (d)was playing Pembahasan Jawaban: Present Participle (Adjective) / Reduction in Adjective Clause (8) The term 'ice age' refers to any of several periods of time when glaciers covered considerably more of Earth's surface _______. made many innovations in jazz. _______.. mineral content.. next to hydrogen. (a)live (b)to live (c)they live (d)their living .... (a)the one (b)who was the (c)another (d)one of the Pembahasan Jawaban: one of the + plural nouns / Appositive 6. helped organize the American Woman Suffrage Association in 1869.United States property owners agreed to tax themselves on the theory...(b)achieved (c)to achieve (d)achieving Pembahasan Jawaban: Subject + Verb (Sentences with Multiple Clause -Noun Clause) 5. (a)Depending on many factors (b)Many factors depending on (c)Factors depending on many (d)On many factors depending Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with one clause -Subject + Verb Yang menjadi subject adalah gerund dan verb adalah may be (7) Duke Ellington's orchestra.from 20 to 30 years. is. (a)known the lightest gas (b)lightest the known gas (c)the lightest gas known (d)the known gas lightest Pembahasan Jawaban: Superlative & Past participle (11)Wild eagles that survive to adulthood are believed. or wooded. Lucy Stone. and the permanency of surface water.. _______ his own often complex compositions..directly from services that the government could provide....grassy .. (a)property owners benefited so that (b)why property owners benefited (c)that if property owners benefited (d)that property owners benefited Pembahasan Jawaban: Adjective Clause (10)Helium is not flammable and. (a)as is today (b)than today is (c)than they do today (d)that today Pembahasan Jawaban: Comparative degree (9)From colonial times .. wetlands may be mossy .. ____________ first feminists in the United States. . .. is located primarily on two hilly peninsulas overlooking Casco Bay and its many island....of hydrogen and helium.. --> intelligent (adjective) 15. began to be considered . (a)which Maine's largest city (b)Maine's largest city where (c)is Maine's largest city (d)Maine's largest city Pembahasan Jawaban: Appositive 13.the microcosm of living organisms Pembahasan Jawaban: Consider + noun + noun/adjective Contoh lain: I consider you an excellent student. Saturn is a large......Pembahasan Jawaban: Sentences with multiple clause / verb + to invinitive (12)Portland.. gaseous planet composed. (a)Despite (b)Whether (c)Though (d)Except for Pembahasan Jawaban: Reduction in adverbial clause 14.Like Jupiter..widely used in the chemical industry. first identified by the early microscopists...Cells.. (a)it is mostly (b)mostly (c)almost (d)both are almost Pembahasan Jawaban: composed + mostly of ... --> an excellent student (noun) I consider you intelligent.. (a)them as microcosm of living organisms (b)the microcosm of living organisms (c)the microcosm of living organisms to be (d)as which .. sodium carbonate is principally consumed by the glass industry. in the nineteenth century...