The turnaround time for receiving the unlock code for Alcatel mobile phones starts from 1 hour to 48 working hours.
The calculated average waiting time is 19 hours 41 minutes. (based on the last 50 orders)
Then you need to key in the code.#0000.CODE# along with the unlock code that you have. Unlock AT&T Alcatel 5041C For Free Purchased a used or new AT&T Alcatel 5041C phone and would like to bring it to another suitable network. Alcatel 5049z Firmware Alcatel 5049z Unlock Code Free Cell Phone Unlock Motorola. Second way to type unlock code in an Alcatel Fierce 4: 1 - Start your Alcatel Fierce 4 on WITHOUT ANY SIM CARD INSERTED. 2 - Enter the following sequence:.#0000.CODE#. 3 - To complete the unlocking process enter sequence:.#0001.CODE#. Your Alcatel Fierce 4 is unlocked now. For any paid unlock we provide a money-back guarantee. Upon video proof that the code doesn't work, you will receive a full refund. For any free Trialpay unlock that doesn't meet your expectations, we will keep your credit on file for a future unlock, or reimburse you. Three Simple Steps. Simply provide us your Alcatel One Touch Fierce Unlock Code’s IMEI (which can be found by typing.#06# into your phone), during check out. After order placement, the Unlock CODES together with easy to follow instructions guides will.
Alcatel Fierce 4
Unlocking instruction for Alcatel Fierce 4 ?
Free Unlock Code For Alcatel Fierce 4 Phone
How to enter an unlock code in an Alcatel Fierce 4:
1 - Start the Fierce 4 with an UNACCEPTED SIM Card inserted (unaccepted means a simcard from a different network),
2 - Message 'Enter Network Key' will appear, now enter the Unlock Code provided by
Second way to type unlock code in an Alcatel Fierce 4:
1 - Start your Alcatel Fierce 4 on WITHOUT ANY SIM CARD INSERTED
2 - Enter the following sequence : *#0000*CODE#
3 - To complete the unlocking process enter sequence : *#0001*CODE#
Your Alcatel Fierce 4 is unlocked now.